In light of all the discussions about maintaining a secure posture on trusted certificates we often times forget about the little guys. In this case I’m talking about our mobile devices. We tend to forget that these devices are just as vulnerable as our desktop/laptops. Unfortunately it’s not always easy to manage the certificates on these devices. But if you own an Android device and would like to take a little more control over what your device is trusting read on to find out how you can do it.

edited September 2 with an update on Apple/Safari. Another case of a certification authority (CA) issuing a certificate they never should have has surfaced. You may remember when we discussed the Comodo incident earlier this year. Now, a certificate issued by DigiNotar has surfaced in the wild, being valid for * – meaning it could be used to secure any transaction with any Google web property, including GMail. According to this pastebin post, this certificate “is being used in the wild against real people in Iran *right* now.” DigiNotar has issued a statement. Here is some information about why this is bad, and what steps you should take to remove this issuer from your trust lists.

If you’re new to the world of testing web application security, you may not be aware of the many great Firefox add-ons available that greatly help such endeavors. While others have compiled similar lists in the past, I thought this week would be a good time for me to share a few of the favorite tools I use in my own web app work. HttpFox: I’ve blogged about this one in the past; it lists for you every HTTP request made during a given browser session, with details on headers, cookies, parameters, responses, and more. Very handy to monitor traffic when you’re browsing around an app. HackBar: Another one I’ve mentioned before, the HackBar is a swiss-army knife that gives[…]

Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities allow an attacker to inject content in an otherwise trusted web page. XSS attacks in the wild typically try to execute JavaScript, and consequently XSS issues are typically demonstrated with a script function that’s short, simple, and visual: the alert box. Many XSS examples use alert(1) or alert(‘XSS’) as a payload. As others have noted, though, this fails to show the power of XSS, and may lead to a “so what?” reaction from developers not familiar with such a vulnerability. I like to compare alert(1) to showing that the safety of a gun is off. If someone has never handled or heard of a gun before, a small switch out of place won’t mean much. But[…]

So, last night I downloaded a version of the Low-Orbit Ion Cannon, the traffic generation tool which Anonymous has been using to attack various websites. The version I acquired, from SourceForge, was not one which had been modified for use by Anonymous – it didn’t have the “Hive” function which allows it to be utilized remotely. I should mention that although it was originally made by Praetox, and many versions available for download still have Praetox branding, Praetox no longer supports the code, nor is in any way affiliated with Anonymous. It’s not really a terribly complicated tool. All it does is flood out requests in one of three ways: http requests, TCP packets, or UDP packets. It allows the[…]

Over the last few months, many people have talked about using HTTPS with sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The technology came up often after the release of Firesheep, which allowed Wi-Fi users to hijack other users who used these sites without HTTPS. Part of the technology behind HTTPS are certificates – small electronic files that help your browser ensure it’s connecting to a trusted site and protect the connection from eavesdropping or tampering. For instance, when you visit, the Google server has a certificate that lets your browser know it’s connecting to Google and not an impostor. But how does your browser know if the certificate is not also from an impostor? Each browser maintains a list of[…]