Much of the focus in recent news is on attacks on retailers and the financial industry. It is easy to see the results of these money-motivated attacks in the form of large thefts of money or credit cards. As a result, it may surprise you to know your health care information is under attack. You are mistaken if you think that HIPAA’s data security protections are working to protect it. Health care organizations are not meeting the security table stakes. By rushing to implement electronic health records without minimum viable security, health care organizations are leaving the door wide open for criminals. How Bad Is It? A recent study by the Ponemon institute revealed that 94% of medical institutions have[…]

At the RSA conference, I attended a panel discussion entitled “Changing User Behavior: The Science of Awareness.” The panel focused on explaining the failure of traditional awareness efforts, and made suggestions about what improved solutions might look like. During the panel, surrounded by a room full of security professionals, it hit me: we are technologists trying to figure out how to solve a communication problem. Maybe security’s “people problem” is relying on the wrong people to solve this challenge. Are People The Problem? Our industry is quick to put the blame on “users” when security problems occur. Whether it is the takeover of CNN and the AP’s twitter feeds, or a hack of Target’s HVAC contractor leading to their breach, people are[…]

Around this time of year, many of us are filing–or procrastinating about filing–our taxes. So you finally get around to filing your taxes, and your return is rejected because someone has already filed for that social security number. Uh-oh! What now? You know you haven’t filed your taxes already, and you’ve double checked your social security number to make sure you typed it in right. Then you find out your worst fear is true: someone else has already filed a tax return using your social security number – otherwise known as IRS Tax Return Fraud. Immediate Actions To Take There are three things you need to do as soon as you can: First, file a police report for identity theft.[…]

While the headlines are dominated with tales about recent breaches at Target, Neiman Marcus, and others, those businesses will survive. What about smaller companies? Turns out that just last year, two separate title and escrow companies have had to shut their doors after suffering cyber attacks. Leaked emails from a small regional bank resulted a successful theft of money from a client. And thieves are using the access that small accounting and financial management firms have to individual and corporate bank accounts to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars. What do these incidents all have in common? They are all financial industry firms. And they are all relatively small. Most of them neglected to provide even the minimum viable security[…]

As a small business owner, I often find myself having some of my most productive time on Friday afternoons. My clients have gone home for the weekend, my staff members are wrapping up their week’s work and completing their timesheets. I’ve got a few hours of time to myself to get things done. Dinner time rolls around and I’m inevitably the last one out of the office, shutting off the lights and locking the door behind me. What a lot of people don’t realize is that even once they’ve turned out those lights and locked that door, strangers might still be coming into their place of business. Network Connections Are Like Doors Just like a door, a network connection can[…]

Some people said it was the biggest startup to come out of Stanford since Google. After securing some seed funding from professors, and then raising $25 million in a party round, Clinkle was destined for greatness among startups. Clinkle was designed to become the payment service all of us could use to manage credit cards, banks, and cash from our smartphones. And yet, I’m guessing the majority of this blog’s readers have never heard of them. Why could that be? The rise comes before… Launched in 2011, Clinkle got a lot of hype. Big names like Richard Branson and Peter Thiel, and organizations like Intuit and Intel were among the investors. They were clearly excited about something. But Clinkle has[…]