Enter Armitage. If you’re normally a windows/GUI person and aren’t comfortable with the command line (much less metasploit’s command line), you might want to look into Armitage. It uses xmlRPC to talk to metasploit and presents you with a nice pretty picture of your network and what you’ve compromised and allows you to launch metasploit plugins and attacks against the networks, as well as interface with meterpreter to pivot through compromised hosts.

I have only scratched the surface of what Armitage can do in my own testing, but what I’ve seen so far has been excellent – especially for an initial release.

Some folks will complain that this makes it too easy to “hack” into things, but I really think it’s an improvement for those professionals that have other things to do than memorize metasploit’s command line or have to read through the manual every time they use it (raises hand).

One thought on “Hate Metasploit’s command line?

  1. Tim says:

    For those of you wondering, yes, she’s talking about Meterpreter. It is it’s own beast in itself, but doesn’t take that long to get used to it. But I do agree, it threw me for a loop the first time I tried to use it, and treated it as a standard command shell.

    Agreed that Armitage is a nice advantage to have when using metasploit though.

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