I recently acquired a new iMac at work to replace the 4yr old one I was using. The new iMac came with Lion on it, and since I had upgraded to Lion on my work machine, I went ahead and upgraded all of my home machines as well. My Macbook Air is my primary “workstation away from work”, and keeps client data. Because it does, I use FileVault on it. Under Snow Leopard, that only encrypted my home directory. Under Lion, FileVault now encrypts the entire drive, not just $HOME. However, if you upgrade, you have to explicitly convert your machine to use the new FileVault. And you need a lot of disk space to do it… I have a[…]

I often talk about cross-site scripting (XSS), and that’s partly because I think it’s a pretty interesting type of vulnerability that many developers tend to overlook. It can be quite dangerous, but can also be quite misunderstood. For one thing, the name can be misleading: exploiting XSS does not always involve scripting, and the proliferation of web technologies has taken XSS issues beyond the browser. One example of script-less cross-site scripting affected some high-profile MySpace users in 2007. Attackers were able to inject HTML into celebrity MySpace pages, but the service filtered out typical <script> payloads. Seemingly innocent <a> links were allowed, though, and adding a bit of CSS allowed one to create an invisible link that covered the entire[…]

SSL certificates have been in the news lately (again), and there’s a huge uproar. Is SSL still OK? Is PKI dead? While most people understand the technical side of PKI, I’ve found that the “soft”, or what I call the “political” side, is not as well understood. Anyone can set up the technical infrastructure to become a CA – but what makes the Root CAs found in your browser special? And as a corollary, how do you get into that select list? Each company officially has their own method of determining what CAs are in their list of Trusted Roots. Mozilla clearly outlines their requirements on their wiki, and Microsoft has a program for inclusion. In general, there are a[…]

Sometimes it can be a daunting task to keep up with computer security best practices, especially when it comes to prevention. There is an almost unlimited amount of things to take into account, not to mention significant decisions on which risks you need to address and which aren’t worth the effort. In addition, many different people have many different ideas about what’s important when it comes to baseline mitigation. This may explain why there are so many sources on the topic, often with different core focuses in mind. For example, Cisco’s Network Security Baseline is geared towards networking configuration, while the PCI-DSS regulations are focused on the technology surrounding credit /debit cards. The truth is that no one set of[…]

Ever wonder about how we came to have the technologies and programming languages used today? Yahoo’s senior JavaScript architect Douglas Crockford gave a presentation in early 2010 that traces the developments which brought us the beloved and hated language that powers client-side web behaviors. The video is nearly two hours and only the first in a series on JavaScript, but Crockford relates many interesting stories about the history of computing and notes patterns in how technology tends to develop. Check it out if you want to learn more about the background of that quirky yet powerful bit of tech we call JavaScript: Crockford on JavaScript: The Early Years

LDAPS is used among security folks and developers pretty indiscriminately. The general gist is that the LDAP connection is encrypted between the client and server via SSL/TLS – with a lot of hand waving involved. But there is actually a slight difference in how SSL and TLS are negotiated over LDAP. TLS can be negotiated over the standard 389 port, rather than the 636 port we normally associate with SSL connections – although for the sake of convention, it’s generally done over port 636 as well. LDAPS comes from LDAPv2 (retired in 2003) where the SSL negotiation takes place before any commands are sent from the client to the server. With a TLS connection, the connection is negotiated (non-encrypted) before[…]