Even the Starship Enterprise’s computers were broken into by countless aliens. (Quite easily I might add, complete compromise of a starship? Must be running Windows 98).

So I won’t blow this comment out of proportion, I think that it was a bit taken out of context:

During a telephone conference with reporters yesterday, outgoing Microsoft co-president Jim Allchin, while touting the new security features of Windows Vista, which was released to manufacturing yesterday, told a reporter that the system’s new lockdown features are so capable and thorough that he was comfortable with his own seven-year-old son using Vista without antivirus software installed.

Just because you’ve added some new security features (which aren’t out in the public quite yet – give those high schoolers some time – doesn’t mean that you can forgo other precautionary measures.

I’ll give you an example: It’s my favorite feature within Windows Vista, it’s called ASLR (Address Space [Layout] Randomization). What it does is, each Windows Vista machine is slightly different than every other Windows Vista machine. So even if there is a remote exploit on one machine, and a worm tries to jump from one machine to another, the probability of that actually succeeding is very small.

We’ll see what happens after this upcoming summer vacation.

One thought on “Nothing is Foolproof

  1. Precise Edit says:

    “Foolproof” – Not “full-proof”
    Ex: The security system is foolproof.
    Ex: I have full proof of his activity.

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