What this article points out is a situation that every branch of security faces.

That is that every incident such as this one is yet another reminder that every attack has potential. Although the article doesn’t state how the attackers were able to compromise the laptop, I’m willing to bet they exploited some well known vulnerability or somebody was checking their email and clicking on questionable links.

I seriously doubt it was just because the attacker was “pretty good.” Granted he or she is probably “pretty good” – lucky for us in the States that they didn’t realize (or care) that they could have potentially disrupted water service for a bunch of people.

So the article goes on as they always do – a snazzy headline to grab readers attention. Something along the lines of,

Hack Could Have Given Attacker Control of Nukes

Then they interview law enforcement officials who say that disaster was averted yet once again. Good thing the attackers didn’t do/realize anything…

So the story goes, but these attacks hold a good deal of potential to cause some havoc. When that does happen one day we’ll hear on the news that the attack could have been prevented by something like updating Windows and that the warnings were ignored.

Not to be a doomsday nut – the end of the world is not coming, however one day something (major) that could of been prevented is.

Isn’t that how it is always going to be though?