Around this time of year, many people receive new devices and gadgets as gifts, and some of those gadgets turn out to be smart phones. But smart phone security is very tricky to pin down, as there are multiple vendors and platforms to take into consideration, not to mention the speed at which smart phone technology is evolving. So when I came across this Top 10 iPhone Security Tips whitepaper (pdf), I knew that it was probably a good thing that it attempts to target a specific platform. However, after reading through it, I think that many of the things McAfee points out can also apply to a Droid or BlackBerry. And so, by stripping away the platform-specific details, we arrive at a pretty decent list of things a new smart phone owner can do to achieve some basic smartphone security:

  • Enable passcode/lock
  • Mobile phones have had passcode capabilities for a long time. Make sure you’re using it, since a passcode lock is often the first line of defense.

  • Erase all data before a return, repair, or resale
  • If you will no longer be the owner in possession of the device, it’s best to erase everything you can first. Everything. If you can do a factory reset, do so, because your phone constantly records information and there is always some data that isn’t easily found, let alone purged.

  • Regularly update firmware
  • I’m guilty of not doing this– sometimes the update notification will sit around for a week before I finally give it permission to run. But this is one of the easier things to do, since it’s mostly automatic.

  • Don’t run shady apps
  • Just like with a personal computer, if you run unknown or untrusted applications, you substantially increase your chances of getting got. So if you don’t want to get got, be prudent about what apps you run on your device.

  • Take advantage of the web browser’s security
  • For smartphones with native web browser apps, be sure to use the security features to clear caches and stored passwords when it’s necessary. Just because a web browser is on a mobile device doesn’t mean it’s a security lightweight. Check out the “settings” or “options” to see just how much your mobile phone web browser can do to help you out.

  • If you’re not using it, disable it
  • I’m also guilty of leaving stuff running unnecessarily. Be careful about leaving debug mode enabled, Bluetooth and wifi on, etc. Generally speaking, the more doors you leave unlocked, the lighter you sleep at night. Turning off unused services when they aren’t needed is a good habit to form, even outside the realm of security.

  • Secure that email
  • In addition to providing native web browser apps, many smartphones also come bundled with a native email app. Check the settings for these apps to take advantage of any security features they’re offering (such as SSL/TLS).

  • Use a phone tracker
  • The GPS can be bad for privacy if you are reckless with it. However, it can also be a powerful tool to help you recover a lost/stolen device. I believe the iPhone 4 has a built in device-finding service (complete with a remote wipe). But even if you have a different smartphone, there is almost certainly an app that provides some remote tracking for lost devices (i.e. Where’s My Droid app for Android).

This certainly isn’t a comprehensive list, but it should be enough to get both new and old smartphone users thinking about general mobile device security in a healthy way.

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