Cyber security is a hot area for #startups.

Just in the greater DC metro, there are 3 incubators that focus on cyber security, many startups, and many more in the orbit – from funds to investors to advisors.

A walk around the RSA or Black Hat expo floors will show you a lot of money is being spent to create some of the next big things.

Some are new takes on existing products. Many are hyper-specialized solutions trying to fill a need that only exists for a few with *very* deep pockets. Very few are truly #innovative.

As is typical with startups, #cybersecurity have a low success rate.

This weekend Synopsys acquired Tinfoil Security. The dollar value was so low that Synopsys stated the “acquisition of Tinfoil Security is not material to Synopsys financials.”

How much of the energy being spent on creating the next big valuation could instead be redirected to better solutions to the more prominent problems? Protections against #ransomware#phishing, and #databreaches?